Platinum rated by Ecovadis:
We’re in the Top 1% of companies globally for commitment to sustainability
A complete, business-led evolution
Waste recycling
All waste from site is segregated & baled for recycling, and inbound materials are reused where possible.
Zero emissions M.H.E.
The majority our Material Handling Equipment (M.H.E.) operate with zero emissions, and our vehicle fleet is fully electric.
Solar powered energy
Our factories are equipped with solar powered technology and LED lighting, providing an energy saving over 65%.
Staff engaged sustainability
We’ve introduced the bike-to-work scheme to encourage more sustainable travel, and promote reuse within our canteens.
Product led environmental initiatives
Aligned to several of our customers’ strategies, our ‘4R’ approach is championed by both our design and procurement teams.
Initiatives which look to replace the unnecessary use of single use plastics.
Initiatives which reduce the impact on our finite resources and environment.
Reusable products and systems which drive change in behaviour to reduce reliance on single use items.
Ensuring products are created which can be widely recyclable kerbside, without contamination.

A new vehicle fleet to reduce our reliance on fossil fuels
We’ve recently switched our car fleet from diesel to full electric.